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M o d e l  M a k i n g

Cable Controlled Puppet Mechanism.

Using Rhinoceros 5, I designed each and every piece to be laser cut into acrylic. The neck, or 'spiny' mechanism, is made up from ten spinal plates that are bolted into a central core made from a hot glue stick threaded into a PVC pipe. 

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The body is controlled by a joystick and the mandibles on the head are controlled by a bicycle brake lever (both pictured in video). 

The puppet stands at about a foot and half tall it cost around £30 and two weeks to put together and get running.

For the paint job, once primed, I used a series of acrylic washes to build up a base colour on each part of the model. Once the base colour was dry, I used oil paints to do some darker washes and dry brushing. 

The final mossy finish was done by blending up model lichen into a flock-like substance and applying it with a brush and some PVA glue. I then dusted the walkways with powder from some hard pastels to make it look as if it has been walked upon.

Stop-motion Background Tree house Set.

The tree house was built for my final major project at the University of Hertfordshire. It took twelve weeks to build, four weeks to paint, and cost around £400 all together. It stands at a metre tall and is around a metre squared, wall-to-wall.

I utilised many different materials to build it including: balsa wood, MDF, styrene, perspex (acrylic), expanding foam, plaster and scrim, chemi-wood (modelling foam), and Artex. 

First Year Time Machine Project.

A slightly more amateurish piece, this model was built for the time machine project at the end of my first year. The concept is that it's a nineteen-fifties style military installation surrounding an excavated extra-terrestrial time machine that was buried beneath the Nevada desert.

It is made from an MDF base with chemi-wood (modelling board) to make up the rocky quarry walls and monoliths. The buildings are laser cut MDF with a corrugated aluminium roof and the sand and debris are made from fine model sand.


For the paint job, I applied several acrylic washes after priming and then acrylic dry brushing and details.

CAD Renders (Rhinoceros 5)

These renders are from the original designs that I made from the first cable controlled puppet I built (the puppet itself did not work particularly well as it was my first attempt). They are a 1:1 scale drawing of the puppet (at about two feet tall) and took me a week to complete.

'Tiki' Style Ceremonial Shoulder Armour.

This piece was made for a short "Turbo" project at the beginning of my second year of university. I made it to look like driftwood or old, weathered wood and the concept was that someone would wear a pair of these shoulder pads as part of a ceremony. I took inspiration from the Crash Bandicoot game franchise and Native American totem poles.


I made a plaster caster cast of my shoulder to sculpt upon and once the clay sculpt was done, I made a plaster and scrim mould of the sculpt. The final cast was done with latex and fibreglass and was left to dry.


I used acrylic paint mixed with liquid latex so that the colour would adhere to the latex-fibreglass cast. 

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